Gary Beckstrand shared O.C. Tanner’s recent research regarding culture and how to improve it. Culture is a powerful force that forms whenever you get a group together, and it affects how we treat each other and how we feel. Gary discussed leveraging strengths to attract, retain, and engage talent by improving culture. O.C. Tanner has identified what they call culture magnets that help impact culture, listed below:
An improvement in any one of these culture magnets will improve the others. While you can’t focus on all of them at the same time, certain culture magnets have the most impact on retention, engagement, and attraction. For retention, focus on leadership and then well-being and appreciation. To drive engagement, focus on opportunity and purpose. For attraction, focus on leadership and success.
The panel then shared where they saw their company’s strengths and areas they were working on. For instance, Mary Lauer from Presence Health/Amita shared that as a not-for-profit, their strength is purpose because most people join for the higher purpose. Everyone knows the company values, but opportunity and leadership are the areas they are working on, and they are currently building out their leadership development program. Manuel Cuevas from Motorola shared that his company started with purpose in shifting their culture since it was lofty. By providing products for public safety, they help people be their best in difficult situations. Ann Weiser from the Cubs also shared that purpose was their strength since hope was a big part of the culture.